Our services
You need a reliable partner
You can count on us
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
Abraham Lincoln
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Online company registration
We will register your company without your coming to Montenegro. All we require from you is to give us a special power of attorney and then let our team take care of the rest. We offer you the possibility to prepare all the necessary documentation for you. All that is required is a copy of your passport and a minimum of one euro (1 EUR) of the founding capital. Simple company registration consists of just a few key steps. If you want the director of your company to be a person from Montenegro, we offer you the services of a nominal director.
- Company Registration Certificate
- Memorandum of Association/Incorporation Agreement
- Company’s Articles of Association
- Customs number
- Digital certificate
- Company’s seal
- Bank account, foreign currency account
If you still decide to be physically present, we are here to meet all your needs (transfer from the airport, hotel reservation, etc.).
Accounting and audit
In addition to the tax and administrative benefits, our accounting agency also provides complete organisational support, aimed at making your doing business additionally easier.
The most up-to-date software and international accounting standards are used for the processing of accounting documentation. We also organise an audit service for our clients’ needs.
Our accounting services provided to clients include: keeping of a general ledger, incoming and outgoing invoices, calculation of salaries, VAT refund, register of fixed assets, inventory management, calculation of leases and fees, compilation of (annual and periodic) balance sheets, preparation of consolidated reports, as well as performing other tasks for the client.
In line with the client’s needs, we organise audit services at the level of internal and external audit. There are laws that prescribe the accounting and auditing work, and companies must carry it out within certain deadlines.
Virtual office
The law requires that every company must have an address for receiving official mail and a registered office address before the registering of the company itself. There’s no reason to worry, we have for you a service called Virtual Office.
It allows you to be officially located at a prestigious address in Podgorica’s downtown and to successfully do business with various partners and industries, without the traditional office space. We receive all incoming mail for you and redirect it in the agreed manner, which is also in accordance with your needs and wishes. Furthermore, this service includes document storage and administrative support, and if necessary, hiring a virtual assistant. You can do business efficiently from wherever you are without the cost of traditional office space. This is an ideal solution for starting in a new market, for small or large business done from home, as well as for those who want to expand into new markets without the additional risk.
Tax and financial consulting
Tax planning is a good practice in company management. The tax advisor prepares an adequate tax strategy in company management, optimises tax liabilities and reduces tax risk.
Proper approach to tax liabilities results in minimising the amount of tax that you are obliged to pay and opens the opportunity to allocate funds for other purposes. We achieve tax optimisation in accordance with the law and international double taxation avoidance agreements.
Financial consulting includes an analysis of the current financial state of the company and finding ways to improve it. Profit maximisation is achieved through analysis, setting financial goals, planning activities and controlling fulfilment.
As part of financial consulting, we can offer you: financial analyses for internal or investor needs, working capital management, financial planning, business plan development.
Setting up a company is the first step towards starting a business in Montenegro, and we will present the other steps below. The Economic Team, with its team of associates, allows you to obtain permits for the following as quickly as possible:
- hospitality industry facilities
- retail facilities
- warehouses and wholesale
- construction of buildings, hotels, etc.
- rent-a-car
- taxi
- travel agencies
- betting shops, slot machine clubs and other games of chance
- construction works, as well a
- other permits for all activities permitted by the laws of Montenegro
We provide full support in keeping a record of all legal requirements that you must meet in order to obtain a permit/license to do a particular job. After that, we approach the procedure to obtain a work license, which is a prerequisite for starting work in any domain.
Work permits for foreigners
If you are an executive director or an employee of a company in Montenegro, you need to have a residence and work permit.
We organise each step of this procedure, thus eliminating the possibility of error and the whole process is completed very quickly and efficiently.
Required documentation:
- proof from your country of origin that you have not been convicted of a criminal offense
- passport that is valid no less than additional three months in relation to the date of your stay in Montenegro
- employer’s offer in writing
- diploma of completed education
- nostrified diploma
- medical certificate issued in Montenegro
- health insurance
- proof of provided accommodation
- original copy of the immovable property certificate.
This permit requires in-person attendance when submitting the documentation (when having your photo and fingerprints taken), as well as when collecting the permit.
In addition to the residence and work permit, it is possible to obtain other permits for staying in Montenegro:
- family reunification
- residence on the basis of immovable property ownership
- other ways of staying in Montenegro
Legal consultations
Good legal advice can improve and speed up your business, but also save you significant funds. Our legal sector provides complete legal support to your business processes.
Following the course of company’s development, we provide all types of services from defining a business idea, selecting a legal form, company registration and status changes, to consulting in the recruitment process and finding optimal solutions, support in implementing business ideas, connecting participants and ensuring maximum protection of the client’s interests, and providing assistance in meeting all legal requirements in accordance with the work you do. We regularly follow changes in legislation and take care of the needs of our clients from a legal standpoint.
Areas that we cover:
- Company Law
- Labour Law
- Contract Law
- Upholding regulations and legal advice
- Legal Due Diligence Report (LDDR)
Other services
- Administrative affairs
- 365/24/7 - our team is always available if the client needs to obtain the desired information at any time of the day
- Performing payment transactions - for clients who do not have time to wait in lines or are often on the move, we carry out online banking in the country or abroad. This service is additionally defined and may vary: from restrictions in the performance of payment transactions, to the complete assuming of the all payments
- Translation - in cooperation with translation agencies, we organise translation into all languages, certified by a sworn court interpreter
- Servicing and collection of receivables - with our many years of experience we enable clients to collect their receivables in the fastest and most efficient way
- Recruting and guiding employees